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Our Company

Agrological Solutions was founded in 2017 by David Ellery to provide Montana producers with an all-inclusive source for both Agronomic and regulatory advice from a Certified Professional Agronomist (CPAg) and Professional Agrologist (P.Ag). We provide actionable insights on ways to improve the profitability on your farming operation through the implementation of region-specific best management practices.

We work with producers to identify agronomic production issues and critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of potential solutions. This helps producers ensure they are making sound decisions when it comes to crop production. These practices in themselves are actionable ways to promote plant health through improvement in the chemical, biological and physical properties of your soil while reducing un-needed expenditures. We also work with CAFO producers to obtain and maintain compliance with the DEQ. 

Our Mission

Improve producers bottom line through diverse crop rotations, judicious input management, implementation of technologies and utilization of regulatory compliance.

The core values upon which the company was built are focused around being a company who CARES for their clients.

Critical Thinking – Our advice is always unbiased and based on the best interests of our clients. We do not sell or promote products, we will always recommend the most effective and economical solutions to our clients.

Attitude – Everything starts with attitude.

Respect – Respect for yourself, Respect for each other and Respect for the land

Excellence – We strive to remain the must TRUSTED source for unbiased advice in Montana

Scientifically Proven – Our recommendations are always based on rigorous scientifically proven information provided by independent trusted sources such as Land Grant Universities.

Crop Production

Agrological Solutions knows crop production. We actively manage over 60,000 acres of dryland crop ground annually in Montana and have developed a strong understanding of what it takes to take a crop to harvest. We have worked directly with a variety of crops on the Hi-Line including Wheat (Winter/Spring/Durum), Barley (Malt/Feed/Silage), Corn, Canola, Mustard (Yellow/Brown/Oriental), Hemp, Flax, Field Pea (Green/Yellow), Lentils (Green/Red) and Chickpeas. We provide producers with professional, scientifically proven recommendations based on a combination of analytics and boots on the ground observations. Field level chemical recommendations allow producers to utilize chemistry where it is needed when it is needed. This often results in both reduced chemical expenditures and increased chemical efficacy. Our style of input management has helped producers reduce chemical rates and even eliminate some chemicals all together.

Crop Economics

We understand cost of production. We have worked with producers of various sizes and production goals and understand what it takes to grow a crop in Montana. We can leverage our knowledge of input requirements, crop prices and yield estimates to help you make informed decisions about your crop rotation before you seed. Agrological Solutions management style is based on bottom-line economics, we help producers understand the true cost of production on their farm to guide informed decision making.

Regulatory Compliance

Agrological Solutions has helped numerous producers with the implementation and maintenance of government programs. We have developed and maintained direct relationships with many Government organizations including the Farm Service Agency (FSA), Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Natural Resource and Conservation Service (NRCS). We are well versed in the various government programs and regulations involving agricultural producers in Montana including crop insurance, conservation stewardship program (CSP) and Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) permitting. We have successfully helped numerous producers with acquisition of CAFO permits through preparation of Notice of Intent (NOI) applications and development of Nutrient Management Plans. We also assist producers with ongoing compliance including annual reporting (CAFO-AR) requirements and CAFO Compliance Audits. We have also worked directly with producers and the FSA office to help producers successfully compete for CSP applications.

Why Choose Us?

Here to serve you with Unparalleled service, knowledge, and more.
Meet the Owner

Steve Ellery is the owner and lead Agronomist with Agrological Solutions Inc. Prior to forming Agrological Solutions, Mr. Ellery held various roles within both the Agriculture and Environmental consulting industries in Alberta and Montana. Raised by a Lawyer and Physiotherapist in the suburbs of Calgary, agriculture was not something he was born into but rather a discovery born from his fascination of horticulture. This fascination led Mr. Ellery to pursue both a Journeyman Certification in Landscape Horticulture from Olds College and a Bachelor of Science (with Distinction) in Land Reclamation from the University of Alberta. He is a member in good standing with both the Alberta Institute of Agrologists as a Professional Agrologist (P.Ag - Crop Production & Agricultural and Resource Economics) and the American Society of Agronomy as both a Certified Professional Agronomist (CPag) and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) and is a registered 4-R Nutrient Specialist with the Fertilizer Canada. Mr. Ellery’s focus of interest revolves around understanding the biological, chemical, and physical interactions within cropping systems to drive more profitable crop production.

Steve Ellery

Easy and complete suite of agronomy services ready for you.