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A properly implemented soil sampling program is typically considered the cornerstone to any properly designed fertility program. Being what we know about soil fertility it is amazing to know that a...

4-R Nutrient Management

By. D. Stephen Ellery, P.Ag, CCA The 4-R Nutrient Management principles are formally recognized guidelines for nutrient management in crops. The principles are based on applying the Right fertiliz...

Manure Management

MANURE MANAGEMENT / GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS Modern day agriculture operations are both large and diverse often including both crop and livestock production. The increased size and density of large, co...

Uncovering Value in Agronomic Services

By D. Stephen Ellery, P.Ag, CCA 10/17/2022 I can say with almost 100% certainty that the number 1 question I am asked by clients is “How much do you services cost?” Although somewhat of a loaded q...

Why hire an Agronomist or Crop Advisor?

Crop production systems have become more complex as the global demand for sustainable food sources rises. This has resulted in significant scientific and technological developments in the agricultu...